The Power of Near Misses and The Safety Lessons, They Teach Us

5 mins read

Have you seen a worker walking beneath a scaffolding and a nut or bolt accidentally slipping from above which misses them by inches. The worker is alerted by sound when the object hits the ground and quickly moves out of the way. Or have you experience a situation, when you are walking on the shopfloor and just missed a heart bet as you could have slipped on a spilled fluid. These are near misses – a close call that could have resulted in a serious accident. According to Liu, et al. (2015), unsafe conditions are primary contributors to most of the major incidents and are lagging indicators of detoriating safety culture.

Every year, thousands of workplace incidents occur that could have resulted in serious injury, illness, or property damage, but fortunately did not. These near miss incidents often go unreported and unaddressed, leaving organizations vulnerable to future accidents. But what if we told you that near misses can be a powerful source of insights for improving workplace safety?

Table of Contents

What Is a Workplace Near Miss?

A near miss is an unplanned event that could have led to injury, illness, or property damage but was avoided due to timing or a slight change in circumstances. According to OSHA, near misses are critical for understanding and preventing future accidents.

Herbert Heinrich, a pioneer in workplace safety, introduced the “Heinrich Triangle” to explain how managing minor incidents can reduce the likelihood of serious accidents. For every major injury, there are typically 300 close call.

Evolution of Henrich Triangle
Evolution of Henrich Triangle

However, with improvement in systems the definition of Henrich triangle has also evolved. With improved work tools, the leading indicators to spot an incident gave become more subtle. As per the 2003 revision of the model, it has been estimated that the analysis of close to 300,000 at risk behaviors can help understand actions that mitigate risks at today’s workplace.

Consequences of not reporting Near-miss Incidents

When near misses go unreported, organizations miss out on valuable insights and are at greater risk of future accidents. Here are some key consequences of not reporting near misses:

  • Missed Learning Opportunities: Failing to report near misses means missing the chance to identify and correct hazards.
  • Increased Risk: Unreported near misses may lead to serious accidents over time.
  • Incomplete Safety Data: Without near-miss reports, organizations lack a full picture of workplace safety trends.
  • Loss of Trust: Employees may feel their safety concerns are being ignored, which can erode trust.
  • Legal Consequences: Unaddressed near misses may lead to negligence claims if an actual accident occurs.

Reasons Why Near Misses Goes Unreported

Near-miss incidents might seem minor and are tricky to catch and often go unreported. Several factors contribute to the underreporting of near-miss incidents in the workplace:

  1. Perception of Insignificance: Employees may not realize the importance of reporting near misses. For example, in the case of someone averting a slip on a pool of spilled fluid or a close save against a trip hazard.
  2. Lack of a Phycological Safety Net: People may worry about being blamed for nearly causing an incident. For example it might be the case that the person who averted the trip is the responsible for the work area and therefore fears repercussions, if the event is recorded.
  3. Lack of Trust: If previous reports were ignored, employees may doubt the value of reporting.
  4. Complacency: If accidents seem unlikely, potential hazards may not be reported.
  5. Unclear Reporting Process: Employees may be unsure of how or where to report a near miss.
  6. No Visible Results: If reports don’t lead to action, workers may stop seeing the value in reporting.

Steps to Encourage Near-miss Reporting

Fostering a culture that encourages near-miss reporting can greatly improve workplace safety. Here are some steps to help:

  • Awareness: Train employees in the importance of reporting and recognize those who do so.
  • Create a Psychological Net: Through automated systems provide a psychological net to ensure that the reporting of events does not spiral down the path of blaming each other. Bring transparency in discussions with a genuine concern for the safety and wellbeing of colleagues at workplace.
  • Prompt Engagement: Engage with all affected work crews to understand the mitigation measures. Swift responses can reduce the likelihood of future incidents by up to 75%.
  • Identify Root Causes: Thoroughly investigate near misses to uncover underlying causes and prioritize improvements.
  • Follow Up on Reports: Review reports regularly to identify trends and ensure accountability in taking corrective action.
  • Enforce Continuous Learning: Conduct regular safety audits and use near-miss reports as learning tools to improve safety practices.
  • Leverage AI for Insights: Utilize AI-powered analytics to identify patterns and trends in near-miss data. AI can process large volumes of reports to uncover insights that may be missed by manual review, helping prioritize areas for improvement

Power of Near Miss Reporting

Near-miss reporting is a powerful tool for enhancing workplace safety and fostering a proactive safety culture. However, the benefits of near-miss reporting depend on having an transparent and efficient process in place that encourages employees to report incidents and facilitates swift action under a psychological safe environment.

This is where T-Pulse, an innovative incident management system, steps in. T-Pulse simplifies near-miss reporting and data analysis, helping organizations identify patterns, trends, and root causes. It anonymizes the captured events to ensure that people have no fear in discussing the events, for its mitigation.

Don’t let near misses go unreported. Harness the power of T-Pulse to create a safer, more productive work environment. Contact us today to learn how T-Pulse can help you prevent accidents and meet your safety goals.

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