Intelligent Inspection of Transmission Lines & EHV Towers with T-Pulse Maintenance Assistant

Coverage of assets and components
0 °
Components inspected per 100Km
0 +
Observations detected per EHV Tower
0 +
Major categories of defects detected autonomously
Man-hours spent on analysis
Continuous proper functioning of the power systems is essential if we are to meet the supply demands. Ensuring an acceptable level of reliability in all parts of the power system, from generation to distribution, has always been a major concern for network managers.
Asset management and routine maintenance have a considerable impact on ensuring system reliability, reducing expensive crashes, and preventing shutdowns. But at the same time, manual asset inspection methods are time-consuming and prone to safety hazards.
This situation creates the need for a system that can perform autonomous, real-time assessments and report the same to management using digital solutions.

The maintenance team working for a prominent power distributor in the APAC region wanted to automate the inspection process for their dissemination assets like transmission lines and EHV towers. Unable to predict faults, degradations, imbalances, or track low-tension distribution assets, they intended to deploy AI technology to help with visual and sensory inspections for their assets.


Power Transmission



Data Sources Leveraged

Drones, Visual Imagery, Thermal Cameras



Noctua.AI enabled the client to monitor and improve Asset Condition through transparent and faster decision making. This was possible due to increased visibility on

Historic data for component degradation

Detection of defects such as corrosion, conductor Hotspots, insulator damages, and many others

Detection of illegal construction or vegetation in the RoW

Detection of missing/loose/hanging components, foreign material, and many others

The Advent of Detect

At Detect Technologies, we are building the future of industrial processes and accelerating the path towards digital transformation. After thoroughly assimilating the needs of the Power Distributor, we understood their workflows, unified their data, and completely automated their inspection processes with T-Pulse™.

T-Pulse’s LT Distribution Assistant is designed to provide continuous insights into the instantaneous condition of electrical assets across the entire distribution network. These insights are generated after a near real-time processing of data from visual, thermal, and other sensory sources, deployed at strategic intervals.

An amalgamation of patented hardware and sophisticated numeric models, T-Pulse for Asset Inspections, leveraged AI algorithms to mine out information on asset degradation to evoke optimal maintenance responses.

With T-Pulse for Asset Inspections, reliability engineers working for the distributor could seamlessly identify points of degradation, the reason for degradation like corrosion, missing/loose components, and general structural damages.

Additionally, the platform enabled:

Real-Time Power Supply Management with T-Pulse

Over 9000+ components were inspected every 100kms with 45+ issues being detected per EHV tower! T-Pulse helped the client manage the health of their entire distribution network from a single dashboard unifying all aspects of monitoring, management, and maintenance.

The organization ended up saving thousands of man-hours’ worth of inspection time thanks to 360-degree coverage provided by T-Pulse. Within a month of deployment, T-Pulse autonomously detected and reported 8 major faults that could have potentially compromised the entire system had they not been addressed preemptively.

From inspecting a single asset every few days, the management could now inspect 100s of them daily and from the convenience of their offices/homes. This in turn enhanced the overall workflow and reduced response time as all stakeholders could now decide backed by solid insights. On an average, a positive 50% decrease in average decision making time was observed.

Are you ready to experience T-Pulse?

Meet highest compliance, monitor all occupational risks, and get recommended actions to achieve global safety benchmark.